Different methods of Sowing Seed

Seed sowing

Seed sowing is defined as placing the seed in the soil to germinate and grow into a plant, but planting is putting the plant to propagule in soil for growing plants. Propagules are seedlings, roots, tubers, leaves, or cuttings. Transplanting is a term that is used for planting the seedling grown into nurseries to different fields or pots for different purposes.

Sowing of crop is done by following methods

1. Broadcasting
2. Drilling or line sowing.
3. Dibbling
4. Transplanting
5. Planting
6. Putting the seeds in plough furrow.


1. Broadcasting

  • Broadcasting is the most common and oldest method of seed sowing, where the seeds are just spread on the soil. Then seeds may or may not be covered with soil.
  • Broadcasting may be done manually with hands or through a mechanical spreader.

Advantages of Manual Broadcasting:-

  • The manual method is cheap.
  • It takes less time than other methods.
  • This method is suitable only for small-seeded and crops where plant to plant distance is small or does not matter.

Disadvantages of Broadcasting

  • In this method the Seed distribution is uneven.
  • Some of the Seeds are not be covered by soil.
  • The density and depth of seeds are uneven.
  • The germination of seed is Non-uniform.
  • Crop stand is affected by uneven distribution.

2. Drilling

In this method the seed is dropped into holes, the seeds are then covered and compacted by soil. Drilling is done with the help of a seed drill or seed-cum-fertilizer drill. Seeds are drilled continuously in a row or drilling can be done at a distance that is set and rows can be made accordingly.

Advantages of Drilling

  • The quantity of seed required is less.
  • During drilling Manures, fertilizers and amendments can applied with seeds.
Disadvantages of Drilling
  • More time-consuming.
  • More labor is required.
  • The cost is high.

3. Dibbling

Planting procedure with dibbling. Dibbling is the process in which we place seeds in the holes or pits at equal predetermined distances and depths. This procedure is done by dibble, planter, or manually.

Advantages of Dibbling:-

  • Less seeds are required.
  • Germination is rapid and uniform.
  • Seedling vigor is good.

Disadvantages of Dibbling:-

  • It is time-consuming.
  • More labor is required
  • This method is costly.

4. Transplanting

Transplanting is the method in which planting of seedlings in the main field after pulling out from the nursery.

5. Planting

Planting is the placing of seeds or propagules firmly in the soil for germination and growth.

6. Sowing Behind Country Plough

  • In this process, the seeds are placed into the furrows ploughed in the field either continuously or at a specific distance manually by a man working behind plough.
  • The depth of sowing depends on the depth of plough.