6th semester objectives

B.Sc Agriculture 6th semester objectives


B.Sc Agriculture 6th semester previous year question papers, notes are available. 

Semester-VI objective

[Click the following link to download…]

A) Core Course

 AGRO 3611 Practical Crop Production-II(Rabi crops)  


AGRO 3612 Geo-informatics and Nano-technology and
Precision Farming

AHDS 364 Sheep Goat and Poultry Production 

ECON 365 Farm Management, Production, and Resource

ENGG 364 Protected Cultivation and secondary

ENTO 365 Management of Beneficial Insects 

FST 362 Principles of Food Science and Nutrition  

GPB 366 Crop Improvement – II (Rabi crops)

HORT 366 Post-harvest Management and Value
Addition of Fruits and Vegetables

PATH 365 Diseases of Field and Horticultural Crops
and their Management-II

B) Elective courses

ELE AGM 361 System Stimulation and Agro-advisory  


ELE HORT 368 Hi-tech Horticulture  


ELE HORTI367 Landscaping 


ELE SSAC 364 Agrochemicals


Note: 6th sem objectives will be available very soon.


B.Sc Agriculture 6th semester previous year question papers, notes are available.